New from Serendipity Girls Designer Dresses
Not of our own making but on 7th December 2021 Yell who now own Moonfruit where our lovely website had been happily running since 2010 decided that they would "plug the plug" on that organisation and migrate all of your Moonfruit websites to WIX for future editing / updating. This was to say the least not the "smoothest" migration in history what with dumping all SHOP products and BLOG entries and making links to Facebook & Instagram shops redundant the rest of what was migrated was not to put too fine a point on it RUBBISH! Not worth the paper it was written on
So your editor in chief was not a happy bunny! Thanks a lot Yell NOT!!!!
Anyhow having to bite the bullet we set about redesigning and recreating the lovely SERENDIPITY GIRLS DESIGNER DRESSES (SerendipityGDDs) new website / shop.
Apologies in advance if any of the old links you find here and / or anywhere on a web browser no longer work and result in the dreaded 404 page but the one you are taken to has 3 redirection buttons to the HOME page, SHOP and / or 360° SPINS pages on the new site
Many thanks for your patients!