Wednesday, 19 October 2011

I am ★SO PROUD★ to win an iPad2 from @Myadsere

New from Serendipity Girls Designer Dresses

I was on holiday with my husband in Cornwall & Dorset for 2 weeks and enjoying the unusually pleasant sunny weather for here in the UK, even made it to the beach 3 days and in October, unheard of when we received a voice message on the mobile.

It said ♩♭♬♪ YOU HAVE WON AN iPAD2 ♩♭♬♪. We didn't belive it , remember the old adage, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

We rang the lovely Lisa back who told us it was indeed true. I am so happy I am still buzzin' I have told all my friends and family and all my 3000+ followers on Twitter as well as folk I know in the great social media world we inhabit via Facebook, Tumblr, Blogger, Stumble Upon, Digg, Linked In and many others.

This is definately worth shouting from the rooftop and I am SO thankful to ads'ere for this lovely present, it will really help my business. I found out about them a while back via Twitter and have used them to market/ sell some of my little dresses and its free. What more could you want?

Why not hook up with them on Twitter via @Myadsere or go straight to their website
click here for ads'ere

BIG ♥♥♥ See this from ads'ere

1 comment:

  1. Can't believe you were on your jolly's :) we thought your tweets had gone quiet for a couple of weeks!

    We are really pleased that you had such a lovely holiday with plenty of sunshine. Thank you for the lovely blog post and we hope you enjoy using your new iPad! Lisa (ads'ere) xx
